Thursday, December 29, 2011

The gods made Don't Forget These While Wedding Planning

But music's not just for dancing. There are a myriad of activities you can plan around the music that will add an element of fun to your wedding planner..

One popular idea is to play musical chairs. Sure, this is a fun kid's game and you don't want to insult your guests in any way, but you can have some fun with this version of musical chairs. The chairs can be just about anything, from chairs lined up from the food tables, to the floor, if you think your guests might be open to sitting on the floor (and then having to get up and down again). One fun option is to use the men as the chairs - they kneel on the floor, with one knee on the floor and the other bent. The women sit lightly on the men's' knees as they are playing musical chairs. When either the man or woman falls down, that couple is out, until one couple is left.

Some brides and grooms like to play musical chairs in order to give away the table centerpiece, which many guests like to take home. Instead of assigning a number and awarding the centerpiece to the person in possession of that number, you have each table play musical chairs until the person left standing is the one that gets to take home the centerpiece.

First of all, you need guests at your wedding so you can not forget to mail out your wedding planners invitations early. Many people vary in opinion as to when it is appropriate to send out your invitations. Some people believe that five months is best. This will give people a lot of time to plan out whether they can come or not. It will also give them a lot of time to respond to you. In my opinion I would suggest that you think about sending them out at least two months in advance. This will give your guests enough time to reply and to plan, but they will not forget about it, since two months is not an incredibly long amount of time.

About the same time, you should be looking for people who specialize in making great wedding cakes in your area. You need to get your order in early because these chefs are quite busy. If you choose someone to local, you might be able to get the best deal. They should have a variety of cake choices that you can look at. Oftentimes a cake chef will show you a brochure or an album of cakes that they have made before so you have a good variety.

After guests hear that first snippet, they can then "bid" on how quickly they can name the tune. So one group might say they can name the tune in 10 seconds, while the other group might say 5 seconds. Once one group has bowed out, the other group will then have to "name that tune". This is a fun game that gets everyone involved and which the bride and groom are particularly delighted by.

Depending on the style of the wedding, there are many fun games you can play to get the bride and groom out on the dance floor. Now, if this is a very large and very elegant wedding planning, this option might not work since there is certain decorum to maintain, but for a casual, fun, family-centered wedding some of these games can be fun.