Thursday, December 29, 2011

The gods made Don't Forget These While Wedding Planning

But music's not just for dancing. There are a myriad of activities you can plan around the music that will add an element of fun to your wedding planner..

One popular idea is to play musical chairs. Sure, this is a fun kid's game and you don't want to insult your guests in any way, but you can have some fun with this version of musical chairs. The chairs can be just about anything, from chairs lined up from the food tables, to the floor, if you think your guests might be open to sitting on the floor (and then having to get up and down again). One fun option is to use the men as the chairs - they kneel on the floor, with one knee on the floor and the other bent. The women sit lightly on the men's' knees as they are playing musical chairs. When either the man or woman falls down, that couple is out, until one couple is left.

Some brides and grooms like to play musical chairs in order to give away the table centerpiece, which many guests like to take home. Instead of assigning a number and awarding the centerpiece to the person in possession of that number, you have each table play musical chairs until the person left standing is the one that gets to take home the centerpiece.

First of all, you need guests at your wedding so you can not forget to mail out your wedding planners invitations early. Many people vary in opinion as to when it is appropriate to send out your invitations. Some people believe that five months is best. This will give people a lot of time to plan out whether they can come or not. It will also give them a lot of time to respond to you. In my opinion I would suggest that you think about sending them out at least two months in advance. This will give your guests enough time to reply and to plan, but they will not forget about it, since two months is not an incredibly long amount of time.

About the same time, you should be looking for people who specialize in making great wedding cakes in your area. You need to get your order in early because these chefs are quite busy. If you choose someone to local, you might be able to get the best deal. They should have a variety of cake choices that you can look at. Oftentimes a cake chef will show you a brochure or an album of cakes that they have made before so you have a good variety.

After guests hear that first snippet, they can then "bid" on how quickly they can name the tune. So one group might say they can name the tune in 10 seconds, while the other group might say 5 seconds. Once one group has bowed out, the other group will then have to "name that tune". This is a fun game that gets everyone involved and which the bride and groom are particularly delighted by.

Depending on the style of the wedding, there are many fun games you can play to get the bride and groom out on the dance floor. Now, if this is a very large and very elegant wedding planning, this option might not work since there is certain decorum to maintain, but for a casual, fun, family-centered wedding some of these games can be fun.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Special Wedding Decoration Ideas for An Memorable Event

Wedding is the most memorable event of anyone’s life. After all we get wed only once. So it is our responsibility to make our wedding the most memorable event of our life. This can be done in many ways. Like if we make the best wedding planning & execute the wedding theme & arrangements in the best ways with the best wedding planners in India, & the best online flower shop, Ferns & Petals (FnP). Indian wedding are especially traditional in nature & they exhibit a kind of ritualistic & religious aura. The wedding planners are planning these weddings in the ways so that the aura of religion becomes unaffected but a theme can be created. It’s all about innovation & newer horizon. Come let us see some of the best wedding decoration ideas by which you can really make your wedding the most memorable event of your life.
Find the perfect flowers for wedding:
Take the choice of the best wedding flowers & flower pots along with the best designer flower vases & flower bouquets. The best florists in India suggest you to find the same & they will even help you to do so. It is all about the Indian wedding planning in the best ways. Some of the best wedding floral arrangements comprises of roses & other such red colored flowers. Because these flowers are very symbolic & they will give out the unique aura of exotica.
Get the best wedding dress:
To make your wedding the most memorable event in your life the costumes & the wedding dresses hold a great importance. Because those dresses are forever & they will make you remember about your wedding in all of your life. The bridegroom’s dress should be the authentic & traditional one completely giving him a kind of a royal look along with the bride looking like a princess respectively. Ferns & Petals (FnP) is just like your local flower shop which will make you aware about all the wedding decoration ideas along with every requirement for making your wedding a memorable one respectively.
Getting the idea of the perfect theme:
Get the perfect theme planned by your wedding planners. The theme must be realistic & unique. It must make your budget suite with. It is all about making your wedding the best part of your life. Please don’t indulge in the display of wealth & other such things like false showmanship. It will harm you & nothing. Some of the very popular themes in Indian wedding planning are Royal wedding, palace wedding etc. Get it done by the best wedding planner & the best florists in India. It is all about something extra.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Wedding theme
Wedding is the occasion that each & every one wants to celebrate in their unique ways. But many a time we see that due to the lack of proper planning & strategy the whole occasion turns out to be a kind of a mess. This must not happen in your marriage. Ferns & Petals (FnP), the best online flower shop & the best florists in India will provide you with some of the best ideas to make your wedding in the perfect budget along with making it the talk of the town. Just take care of the following things. It is very easy & the wedding planners in India are taking care of them. Be it the best wedding planners in India or your local flower shop, Ferns & petals (FnP), will guide you to the execution of you wedding in a very nice way.
Select the number of the invitees:
This is the first & the foremost step that you must take care of. Take an estimation of the number of the guests in your wedding. Tell the florists & leave it upon them. All that you will have to do is to place the order online. The best online flower shop will lead you to your dream wedding.
Buy the best flowers for wedding online:
Flowers & floral arrangements are the part in any wedding that cannot be overlooked. It must be executed in the most skillful way. Is it wedding flowers & flower bouquets you must be very selective & choosy regarding the same. Just go through the variety of flower vases & flower pots at a very reasonable cost of Ferns & petals (FnP), website.
The wedding venue:
This is the part that calls for maximum of the expenditure. Select the wedding venue according to your budget. If you are planning to have a theme wedding like a royal wedding or a garden wedding tell your wedding planners clearly about it. Since the job of the wedding planner commences from there. The decoration of the wedding venue will be carried out by the best wedding planners in India in the most efficient manner, so that it will never cease to amaze your guests.
The food & the menu:
Have the blueprint of the menu that you are going to serve to the guests ready. Food 7 the preparations must be according to the choice of the guests & the invitees. Make sure about the number of the vegetarian & the non-vegetarian invitees respectively. Then go for the execution of the plan regarding the cooking & the best spices in the market. The wedding planners will make you do it in the most effective manner.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Flowers can say more than words. It can convey the deepest feelings that you haven’t ever said. Yes, this is the magic of flowers. It can showcase love & affection, care & gratitude, attachment & tribute everything in a very unique way so on the occasion of teacher’s day to show your respect. But you must be very careful in attaining the best flowers for the perfect occasion. Because every single flower delivers different message. With teacher’s day just a few days left, let us have some of the best ideas through which we can make this day special by the means of perfect flowers. Ferns & Petals (FnP) will assist you in doing the same. Here you can buy flowers online & send giftsonline to any part of the world. If you want to blend up your flowers with cakes or chocolates, you will get a plenty of opportunity. Send flowers online to USA or send gifts to India in a very convenient manner. It is just like your local flower shop. Some of the ideas for buying the perfect flowers of teacher’s day are as follows’:
Combination of roses with violets:
Roses are the symbol of passion whereas violets represent extravaganza. These flowers can be very good choices if you want to make a floral arrangement or a bouquet for this occasion. With roses & violets, you will exhibit your passion along with good wishes to your teacher, in a clear yet symbolic manner.
Sunflowers & lilies:
In every occasion sunflowers, have become perhaps the basic flower. It symbolizes brightness. The flower pot will be complete after you mix it up with lilies, the symbol of beauty. Ferns & Petals (FnP), the best florists in India suggests you to gift a bouquet made out of these particular flowers that will never cease to amaze your teacher on this day.
Popped rice with bougainvillea:
An extremely symbolic combination with a touch of wisdom & wit. Popped rice signifies prosperity whereas bougainvillea represents hard work. A perfect flower combination that you can gift to your teacher in a flower bouquet.
As discussed in the above article, you are having a plenty of choices that you can get from this online flower shop. It will add extra fragrance to your teacher’s day gift, be it cakes or chocolate or anything else. Just visit the florists & experience it.
FNP offers Gift for teachers day, teachers day gift ideas and also you can Send teachers day flowers with the help of it. Happy Teacher’s Day.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Send Online Gifts to Delhi with Fast Express Delivery Services

Romantic Affair
People in Delhi are very colorful and they celebrate everything with great enthusiasm and energy. Be it any occasion like birthday, or anniversary, Delights make it large. There is an interesting history behind the traditional anniversary gifts. However, it cannot be said with any amount of certainty as to when the tradition of giving anniversary gifts actually started. According to a common belief, this tradition has evolved over time. As per the tradition, the gift to be presented at each wedding anniversary is made from a different material. For instance, the first anniversary is symbolized with paper! Subsequent anniversary gifts are more precious or scarce. This is in order to reflect the growing number of years a couple has remained together.
So you can send flowers to Delhi or send gifts to Delhi if you have everyone relative whose marriage anniversary is near. According to another belief, the tradition of calling the twenty-fifth anniversary as 'Silver Anniversary' and the fiftieth anniversary as 'Gold anniversary' might have originated in medieval Europe. This is because, in those days, wives were given a silver wreath to celebrate their twenty-fifth year of marriage and a gold wreath for their fiftieth anniversary.
For both the sixtieth and seventy-fifth anniversaries, diamonds are the conventional choice. The traditional anniversary gifts list, no doubt, seems to be quite boring but it is not! You can think of creative ways in which turn each year's theme into a special gift. The traditional idea of presenting paper and cotton gifts for the first anniversary can be retained by buying a lovely origami booklet, paper tickets to a movie or a scrapbook with a plush cotton cover, filled with memories for the couple.
If you want to break away from the tradition and give a similar gift, you can always opt to wrap your gift or trim it with any item made from that year's material or to carry your gift in a bag or a carrier made out of the theme material of your traditional anniversary gift.
You can also look for any local Delhi florist or any online flower delivery service or online gift delivery army to send something to the places. To conclude, all that is you need is a bit of creativity to give an enchanting new flavor to the age-old tradition of giving gifts to the right person with the right choice & right time, since choosing a gift is not an easy task & especially when you want to convey your love & affection to the concerned person.